Policy & Legislations

Life-Sustaining Treatment Plans

Site Information

Registration Procedures

  • The head of a medical institution that intends to perform the services concerning the decision to withdraw or withhold LST and the implementation thereof shall establish an ethics committee and register it to the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
  • The medical institution shall apply for registration to the life-sustaining treatment information processing system(intra.lst.go.kr) using corporate accredited certificate within 10 days after establishment of the ethics committee.
  • The National Agency for Management of Life-sustaining Treatment shall review the submitted documents, and only the institution whose registration requirements have been confirmed can perform the related services.
  • STEP 1
    processing system
    login(Use of corporate
    accredited certificate
    (Medical Institution)
    icon - next
    STEP 2
    Complete the
    application form
    and submit required
    (Medical Institution)
    icon - next
    STEP 3
    Review submitted
    (Managing Agency)
    icon - next
    STEP 4
    (Ministry of
    Health and Welfare)
  • The documents that should be submitted upon registration of the ethics committee are as follows:

Documents related to members of the ethics committee

Name, gender, affiliation and department, position and title, area of specialty, appointment date, relationship with the institution, etc. shall be directly entered for each member through the life-sustaining treatment information processing system

Documents related to the operation plan of the ethics committee

Upload the file using the recommended form of operation plan

Official letter for applying for registration

Issued by the head of the applicant institution, upload the file after scanning

[Reference 1] Ethics Committee Operation Plan(Sample)

1. Organization and Composition

  • 1) Composition Standards and Procedures
  • 2) Current Status of the Committee
  • 3) Support Personnel in Charge and Organization Status

2. Operational Regulations and Guidelines

  • 1) Institutional ground rules and guidelines
    • The name of ethics committee operation regulations and guidelines(include the enactment date and version of the latest regulations at the time of submission)
  • 2) Purpose of operation
  • 3) Roles and responsibilities of the committee

3. Activity Plan

  • 1) Deliberation
  • 2) Counseling
  • 3) Education
  • 4) Others
    • Describe focusing on the activity criteria and procedures for each task