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Life-Sustaining Treatment Plans

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What is an Advance Directives

What is an Advance Directives image

Any adult 19 years of age or above can document
his or her intention for life-sustaining treatment and hospice
directly in preparation for the case where the person
becomes a patient at the end stage of life in the future.

The document prepared for this purpose is called the Advance Directive on Life-sustaining Treatment, and should be created after receiving sufficient explanation through the Registry Agencies for Advance Directives designated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The legal validity of the created and registered Advance Directives can be recognized only when they are kept in the database of life-sustaining treatment information processing system.

Counseling /
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Preparation of
Advance Directive
on Life-sustaining
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Registration /
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Who can prepare the form?

Any adult 19 years of age or above can prepare the form.

Where can I prepare it?

Legally effective Advance Directive on Life-sustaining Treatment can be prepared only at the Registry Agencies designated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

How do I prepare it?

The person who wants to prepare an advance directive on life-sustaining treatment must carry an ID card to verify his or her identity and fill out a legal form in accordance with the Act after receiving sufficient explanation on the following matters from the Registry Agencies before filling out the form.

What is written in it?

First, fill in your personal information directly. If it is not written by yourself, make sure the information written is correct. Listen to six matters that need to be explained by the counselor of the registry agencies and sign or seal the checkbox. Then check (v) the life- sustaining treatment item that you want to withdraw or withhold. Additionally, you can also clarify your intentions to use hospice. Searches by the doctor in charge are guaranteed by law, but it is up to the preparer to decide whether or not to allow your family members to access the information before you die so you should decide and specify it. The information about the registry agencies and the counselor in charge of the explanations can be found in the information recorded at the bottom of the advance directive on life- sustaining treatment. The counselor shall confirm to see if there are any problems in the completed form, and if there is none, the preparer shall complete the form by signing and sealing.

When and how is it used?

It can be searched by a medical institution when the preparer is a patient whose the end stage of life is predicted. The doctor who treated the patient searches via the life-sustaining treatment information processing system operated by the National Agency for Management of Life-sustaining Treatment. However, if the patient does not agree to the searched result or changes his or her intention, the life-sustaining treatment plan can be created. Once the patient fills out the life-sustaining treatment plan with the doctor in charge, the previously written advance directive on life-sustaining treatment becomes invalid.

How can I invalidate, amend or withdraw?

Your advance directive on life-sustaining treatment is invalid if not written by yourself, if not written based on your voluntary intention, if explanations on each item in Article 12(2) of Life-sustaining Treatment Decisions Act have not been provided or if not confirmed by the preparer. In addition, if you would like to make amendments to your advance directive on life-sustaining treatment that has been prepared and registered after your intention has changed, you may prepare it again or request withdrawal via the registry agency at any time. The amendment or withdrawal shall be notified to the National Agency for Management of Life-sustaining Treatment to be effective.